Honda to experiment with Grab on moto-sharing business

Even as the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) continues to deliberate on the feasibility and safety of motorcycles as an option under online transport systems, a bikemaker has taken notice and is making a huge step in promoting a motorcycle-sharing scheme.

Honda Motor Co., Ltd. is utilizing the vast resources of Grab Inc. to 'shift emphasis from “ownership” to “shared use” of products' to boost sales of motorcycles while also increasing mobility options for commuters, curbing vehicular congestion and reducing the CO2 emissions in the region.

Nothing program has been formally setup but both companies will conduct 'experimental initiatives in Southeast Asia' through Grab's extensive ride-sharing business and Honda's motorcycle lineup, sales network and services.

"In the midst of the dramatic structural change of the mobility industry, the “sharing economy” that is rapidly expanding all around the world has great potential to broaden the concept of mobility itself. For the collaboration with Grab, we will discuss how we can offer safer and more convenient products and services for our shared goal of resolving issues and challenges facing society in Southeast Asia," said Shinji Aoyama, Operating Officer and Director, Honda Motor Co., Ltd.

"We are excited to enhance the GrabBike user experience for our rapidly growing community of GrabBike drivers and riders by partnering with Honda, the largest motorcycle manufacturer in the world, and create a more sustainable and efficient transport supply for Southeast Asia. We look forward to collaborating with Honda on innovative mobility solutions over the long term as we continue to drive Southeast Asia forward," said Ming Maa, President, Grab Inc.

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