Auxiliary light guidlines


Led auxiliary lights for motorcycle has become more affordable now a days it is because it is now very compact and very light with so much lumens to illuminate the dark areas of our roads. In this particular matter the LTO releases a guidelines on LED auxiliary lights on our motorcycles.

The guidelines cover the installation, angle, and direction for mounting of auxiliary lights. They are as follows.

  1. Auxiliary LED lights should have separate wiring and a separate switch from the main headlight.
  2. Auxiliary LED lights should be pointed downwards and not towards the left side of the road.
  3. Auxiliary LED lights should only be white or yellowish in color.
  4. Auxiliary LED lights should be placed/ installed where it will not be affected by the motorcycle's vibration.
  5. Auxiliary LED lights should not be used in well-lighted areas or if there is an oncoming vehicle.
  6. Only two (2) auxiliary LED lights are permitted.
  7. The LTO permits up to six (6) bulbs per auxiliary LED light.
  8. The auxiliary LED light's beam should be pointed 20 centimeters downward and up to 10 meters ahead only.
  9. Auxiliary LED lights should not be placed on any position above the motorcycle's handlebars.
  10. Auxiliary LED lights cannot be used as a replacement for the motorcycle's stock headlights.

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